Update on dice tranches etc – Spidermind Games
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Update on dice tranches etc

Update on dice tranches etc

Hello and happy new year,

Hope you are all well.

Regarding dice replacements: We have commenced with the laborious task of making you all new Shopify orders. You will see an order come through from Shopify and an email basically saying what is in this update. *If you have only reported an off centre agate in the free goddess, that may not get replaced. *We are starting this process with the original google form from the ROW, as they have waited the longest. We really appreciate the uploads that you have all taken the time to do on both the google form and the portal. As a reminder the portal is here. As someone wrongly said on Facebook, no-one is being charged for shipping. The shipping total is being left on the order so that we can let the manufacturing partners know how much it is costing us to re-send the dice. This is explained clearly in the email that you will get from Jo once she has made your new order. See below for timings and bear in mind that original orders are being fulfilled first

Regarding getting your original order: Fulfilment from the US warehouse begun with people closest to Portland and now it’s being done by the SKUs that the warehouse have available. We are trying to ensure that people receive their whole order and not in batches (due to the logistical nightmare that would cause). As soon as the warehouse are close to running out of SKUs, we will post an update on what they have left / haven’t got and then you will know if you are bing fulfilled from the US or in the next tranche. *Those of you with less SKUs in your order are more likely to be fufilled now rather than those of you with the whole set. We apologise for this but as stated above, we want to complete full orders.

For the next tranche: The factory have ordered the agates and as soon as they arrive / they begin printing the eyes, we will let you know. Our plan is to put as much pressure on them as possible to keep us posted, so we can all see there is no lull in the momentum. We know they are capable of making amazing dice because we’ve seen them, so if you do have to wait that should mean better dice with less defaults. Ideally none!!

A few people have mentioned the hand placed vs technology… the agates are hand placed into the device that places the agate in the centre of the mould. Where the iris might be slightly off, it's due to this hand placing part BUT the agate should always be dead centre, which as we know hasn’t always been the case. This has all been worked out and we’ve seen an almost 100% success rate with the Angels & Demons.

The next tranche(s) will most likely be fulfilled from Asia to speed things up but again, we’ll let you all know as soon as a small batch of dice are ready. We are not planning on waiting for loads to be made in order to continue with fulfillment, it will begin as soon as an amount of dice are ready, that can be sent to the 3PL.

We know this is vague but we cannot say when anyone will definitively get their dice but our commitment remains the same, we will get you all your dice / replacements.

Hope this helps for now and please feel free to not reply, there are about 600 of you who need new orders made and the same person is dealing with all the emails … the less messages, the quicker we can work and get this resolved. Of course in the event that you need us, please email help@spidermindgames.com

We will keep in touch

Jon & Oliver

and the Spidermind team


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